Thursday, November 18, 2021

Another Vote Against Veterans by Congress McClintock

 The Bill Passed by 2/3rd majority.....
But NOT before Tom McClintock voted against Women Veterans....

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

How Can our Federal Agents Protect Elected Officials From Violence?

 The House Judiciary Committee, which included CA District 4 Congressman Tom McClintock, sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland about the FBI's decision to protect School officials from threats of violence.

OH, Republican Congressman Jim Jordon's letter says an FBI Agent, Carlton Peooples told him the Attorney General is using a "Threat Tag" to track certain people who have demonstrated possible violent behavior at some of these School Board meetings.

This is the same procedure used with Muslims after Sept. 11th attack in New York, the same procedure used when Clive Bundy and his family and friends took over the Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. and this is the same procedure used after the Jan 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

With recent violent behavior at School Board meetings, threats to their families, and total disregard to public decorum, what does the Republican House Judiciary Committee expect the Attorney General do? Walk away and let our elected officials fear for their lives and their families' lives?

If this is what has become the normal method of operation on potential violent behavior since the Republican Party has walked away from what was once their cornerstone -- Law and Order, what, may I ask, would they want the FBI and Department of Justice to do to protect the very people we sent to speak for us at School Board meetings?

Nowhere in Jordon's letter does it offer a solution, only objection.

Are they saying that no one should protect these officials? Are they saying that no one should protect School Board officials from threats to their families and their homes? 

We need to get back to common sense, and stop this political party "Peacock strutting."

Saturday, January 2, 2016

 Funding for Hwy 99 to Hwy 50 bypass

Looks like Sacramento Area Council of Governments Board of Directors got some funding to cut out the Sacramento log jam in downtown.

MATHER — The Capital SouthEast Connector expressway recently received a financial boost when the Sacramento Area Council of Governments Board of Directors approved an allocation of $7.5 million to the project.
The funding will help pay for construction of the 5.5-mile connector segment on White Rock Road from Prairie City Road in Folsom to Latrobe Road in El Dorado Hills south of Highway 50.
The Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority estimates that it will cost $40 million to convert the twolane segment of White Rock Road to a four-lane expressway, reducing congestion on Highway 50 and increasing safety in the process. Additional funding will come from the Sacramento County Measure A transportation sales-tax program, and a combination of state funding and local development fees.
If sufficient additional funding is secured, construction is anticipated to take place between 2018 and 2021.
“SACOG’s support is critical to moving the Connector project forward and we’re very pleased with its decision to make a significant investment in this phase of our work,” said Pat Hume, chair of the Connector JPA Board and Elk Grove City Council Member.
The funding is being provided through SACOG’s biannual Regional Flexible Funding Programs process, which allocates funds to projects based on federal apportionments of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality, Regional Surface Transportation Program, State Transportation Improvement Program funds and SACOG Managed Funds.
SACOG’s allocation to the connector is the largest of its project commitments in this funding round. SACOG received 103 project nominations from 25 project sponsors requesting $345.4 million. Guaranteed funding of $89.758 million was allocated, with an additional $38.795 million committed to “Tier 2” projects that could receive funding if additional resources become available.

Monday, April 6, 2015

I'm Back
I've been away for a few years.  We need to stay on top of this.  

El Dorado County politics.

I thought I could get local media to wake up and see what is happening.  But they've cut back on reporters and that leaves only chiefs and no Indians doing the reporting.

That shows up in Mt Democrat article by Dawn Hodson's article "GDPUD losing money on its meters.

The subject was about missing signature on a $6 million account, and Dawn calls it a "Tit-for-Tat spat."  

Really when a Director wants to know why something is changed, that is not a spat.  It is a serious question.  I think these issues need to be addressed.

A January 13, 2015 letter was sent out about authorized signatures on a $6 million account signed by Norm Krizl and Maria Capraun.

Then nine days later, a January 22, 2015 document with only two signatures, the General Manager and the Board President, Norm Krizl.

A new clause was added to the form:
"Only the following individuals of this agency whose signatures appear in the table below are hereby authorized on the LAIF account.  This authorization supersedes all prior authorizations on file with LAIF (current authorized individuals not listed below will be deleted).

A check was drawn on that account, and then voided.

I cannot get a local media to even address this question.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The REAL "Fast & Furious" story

An 18-year-old bought guns at a Virgina Gun Show with Drug Cartel.....
No law says an ATF Agent can arrest a LEGAL gun purchase...

Issa stops AZ ATF Agent talking about this

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What is the truth about "Job Killer" claims?

According to Huffington Post article out of the 381 articles posted in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and New York Times, the phrase "Job Killer" was NOT substantiated -- backed up with facts.

The University of Northern Iowa Study says:
"The news media's chronic lack of fact‐checking has only encouraged ramped up use of the 'job killer' allegation as a political strategy against the Democrats in recent years," the study says.
A Politifact story says:
"The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the legislation, on net, will reduce the amount of labor used in the economy by a small amount—roughly half a percent—primarily by reducing the amount of labor that workers choose to supply." 

So why is this so important?

With politicians repeating the phrase "Job Killer" without ever questioning that statement, then lazy reporters just regurgitate the phrase acting as if the evidence has already been proven -- acting as if it is an established fact -- when in fact it has not.

GOP Uses the THREAT of Filibuster to block...

Once again the Republicans are using the Filibuster to STOP any governing....
Roll Call News: GOP begins Judge Blockade talks about how they use the "Filibuster" to BLOCK anything coming to the floor for a vote.
Individual Republicans during the past year have vowed to block one or more of Obama’s judicial nominees for a variety of reasons. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) earlier this month cited the looming presidential election for his decision to filibuster a district court judge from Baton Rouge.
Once again...
But the decision by leadership to formally invoke the Thurmond Rule raises the stakes significantly because an individual Senator’s filibuster can be overcome — so long as enough Republicans are willing to vote with Democrats. With McConnell now backing use of the Thurmond Rule, that appears unlikely to happen.
 And then again....
Hurwitz’s road to confirmation, however, may have foreshadowed the coming blockade, considering GOP backers, such as Minority Whip Jon Kyl (Ariz.), were barely able to muster the eight Republican votes needed to help Democrats overcome a filibuster. And with the Thurmond rule being invoked, Hurwitz may be the last circuit judge to see confirmation this year.

GOP Begins Judge Blockade : Roll Call News

The problem is that the Minority only says....filibuster...and then THEY walk away form the floor for 31 hours.... If they were serious about objecting.... Why can't they stand on the floor and fight for it..... But this is ONLY a blocking mode and not anything they are passionate about.

It's nothing but a shell stop anything happening.

How is this good for the country?